The Falling Leaves

This is an archival website for music written, recorded, and/or produced by Dietrich Kammer.

Broken Bird


#bridge #wall #rain

I left the broken bird whatever it deserved
I nuked a bridge once again
I told the general, my guns were emptied out
He said then use your fists right now
My knuckles bled from a blow to the wall
I tried to shake the room I'm in
It's closing in on me, it's tiny dark and dull
I welcome you into my skull

someday my little broken bird
You will flap your wings again
If you try hard enough you are sure to take off

Pull yourself up

Then the general gave to me
A pack of TNT
He said go nuke another bridge
So I told the broken bird
Whatever it deserved
I nuked a bridge once again

Someday my little broken bird
You will flap your wings again
If you try hard enough you are sure to take off

Blow yourself up

Someday the rain will stop and the storm will fade
Then the rain will stop and the storm will fade