The Falling Leaves

This is an archival website for music written, recorded, and/or produced by Dietrich Kammer.

There Are More Cattle


#butcher #spells #rings

There are more cattle, than the butcher can slaughter
There are more letters, than the mailman can bring
There is much more life, than the living can live
And more cattle, than the butcher can slaughter
Much more folks, than the hangman can hang

There is more love, than lovers can take
But there is more death, than the graveyard can swallow
Much more pain, than an injury can cause
There is much more love, than lovers can give
There are much more diamond rings than you can wear on your two hands

There is majesty, and poverty,
and loyalty and greed
There are songs and there are spells,
wisdom and seeds
From my heart comes a feeling,
from my brain comes a thought
And in the vanishing light of the day,
I see a chance for a new one

For there are more cattle, than the butcher can slaughter
There is more love, than the mailman can bring
There is more life than lovers can live
And there are much more diamond rings than you can wear on your two hands
And there are much more lovers, than the hangman can hang
There are more cattle, than the butcher can slaughter