This is an archival website for music written, recorded, and/or produced by Dietrich Kammer.
It rains twice under the trees,
The monkey is ready to caress the bee
You used to smile upon me, now you just simply stare
I've gathered up enough truth to say,
Everything that's true has been washed away
The bear's little paw points to the sky,
Where all of the winged monkeys fly
I hear a rose growing in your palm,
Here it comes it's watered by a frown
Little monkeys think they are safe on a tree,
I know they're not, there's always a bee
And it rains twice under the trees,
The monkey is ready to caress the bee
Here is my life inside a shell
Full of broken, damaged cells
All the song remains the same
Broken love, love and shame
The sun comes up high
On a station deep beneath the sky
Toss a spell all down your spine
It won't matter if it does not rhyme
And it rains twice under the trees...
Let's hear the story
Of a monkey and a bee...
A man alone at noon
His best suit on
A bunch of flowers
Laying at his side
Despair in his eyes
A look down to his shoes
A look straight into my eyes
Some flowers on the ground
In parts next to his shoe
Now he's looking through you
He's sitting at the bus station
Waiting for a tram
For to catch his wife
To catch his mortal cries